
Ethical Reflection on ready Player One

This time, I'll talk about a book named Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline in 2011. It's main topic is Virtual Reality in a world where the access to it is very easy, so almost all people has a headset. Because of that, enterneinment, access to information and even work. So we are talking about a possible world in some years. So the main argument of the book is that there is a virtual world created with the Virtual Reality named OASIS. So, the creator and owner of the OASIS (an ultramillionaire man), died and said that inside OASIS there was a puzzle that the first one who solved it, will get all his belongings. So here starts a virtual war between everyone to get the big prize. But after years and years of searching clues noone found anything, so the people began to think that there were any puzzle or that the puzzle was impossible to find. At this time, a movie was also filmed, and it is few  different from the book, but not less interesting. But if you asked me, I pr...


In this blog, i'll talk about WarGames a movie directed by John Badham in 1983. This movie was seen in class, and i think is really interesting and funny movie. It is about a young man, like fifteen or sixteen years old, that knows some computer tricks. With his knowledge, he is capable to enter the server of his school and change its grades. He knows a girl, a friend of him, who was his criminal partner, that at first she thougth it was like a joke, but then she notice that it was for real. After that, the boy was trying to get some info by making hacks with the phone. I dont remember but i think he also get numbers of bank accouts so  he get the access to them. But in one of his investigations he got an information of a game, but for it he need to get the password of the user, so he started to get info to guess the pass. So after a lot of investigation, he tried to input the name of the son of the user. So when he got the access he connect to the server and found an strategy ga...
Who needs an architect? This entry will be about the an article by Martin Fowler published in IEEE Software, on July 2003. This article talks about software architecture and the role of a software architect in a team. In a the team, the software architects need to understand better the problem of the job, so they know better the environment and how the system should work.
 Moon Machines This entry will be about a documentary video produced by the Science Channel. This is the youtube link where you can whatch it.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ1O0XR_cA0 This documentary is about the technology used to get prepared for the project to get the man to the moon. For that there were a lot of experiments and a lot of requirements to achieve the goal. First engineers to improve the fligth technology to invent and build the rocket and then the computers. Because of the era, the computers were incredibly big to take them to the moon, so the new challenge was to invent a smaller one. But there were more problems like the computers didn´t have enought memory. And machines like the rope computers were created. On 1968 was the first fligth to the moon, sending humans in a rocket to orbit the moon, and as espected, it was successful. All the technology used on the flight was well-prepared and showed the results almost as it was calculated, only it wa...
Hi. My name is Marco Isaac Buendía Mejía. I am 22 years old. I'm studying the carrier Computer Systems Engineering at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. I live in Tecámac, but because my house is far from the school, I moved to an apartment. My hobbies are play videogames, watch anime series, play card games and climbing. But the last one, since I had an accident, I decide to leave the activity for a time. My future plan is to find a work in Japan and buy a house there. For that, I'm studying Japanese language.